Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Traditional Games

You've read about them in our mythologies. You've seen them scrawled by ancient hands in our temples and travellers' rest-houses. You've seen your grandparents and your parents play them. Now, here's your chance to put away your gameboys and your playstations and try your hand instead at some traditional games of India.

INTACH, Bangalore Chapter, is proud to bring to you a set of traditional Indian games. These handcrafted, non-toxic games have been made by a craftsman from Channapatna. Each set includes three board games – Aadu huli (tiger and goat game), Nava kankari (Nine men's Morris) and Chauka bara (a precursor to Ludo, and far more exciting). The set also has 1 gulli danda and 1 traditional top.

The package includes game rules.

Each set is priced at 750/-, which includes courier charges. Here aresome photos of them.

Please contact us if you would like a set.

INTACH Bangalore Chapter